Top 10 Facts About MMM Nigeria MMM means Mavrodi Mondial Movement or Money Box MMM is a community of people providing each other financial help on the principle of gratuitousness, reciprocity and benevolence * MMM is not a bank, online biz, investment or HYIP. MMM does not have a central account where all the money flows to(and where it can be easily stolen from) all the money is only on the bank of the participant themselves. Note, MMM does not give interest, they simply rewards you with 30% of any amount you renders as help. MMM is based on trust of the participants, ie the system is completely for the people, infact MMM only regulates the process. MMM is created for people to be financially free from slavery. MMM is not created to make you rich, its created for the purpose of assuring you that money is readily available anytime you needs it. MMM is in 118 countries globally In MMM its not a must to refer someone, before you can earn! But if you refer, you will earn 10% referral bonus on what your referral provided as help MMM advices you to participate with your spare money. Click here to Register with MMM
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